Friday, November 13, 2009

2PM releases their new album - 1:59PM + 'Heartbeat" MV

2PM came back with their new album - 1:59PM. The six members showed a mysterious side of them for their album. Heartbeat is a catchy song arranged by none other than JYP Entertainment's CEO - J.Y.P. The catchy song is accompanied with a zombie-dance and some jive-style choreography.

Let's check out the Zombie-dance :

O_O at WooYoung's flip for the 1st second, thumbs-up after that and screeeeeeeeeeeammmmmmm~~~

Followed up with their first released track - Tired of waiting (기다리다 지친다)

As well as their second released track - I was crazy about you (너에게 미쳤었다)

Please look forward for more updates about 2PM and do support the six members. ^^

Credits : YouTube - (ilovebigbangTOP), (time2sub2) and (ArcadianDragon).

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